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puppeteers of america


David Malmberg

Who I am


I'm a professional ventriloquist.  You may have never heard of me and yet for the past 25 years I have made my living throwing my voice. There have never been any 'lights shining' on me,  no television appearances to speak of, very few newspaper articles and fewer public performances.  Meaning I have made this living working under the radar.  It has been a fascinating journey.  One where I have not only been a participant, but also an observer.  So, I thought I would write about it.  

Why I do this


Ventriloquism is one of the passions in my life.  But, for 20 + years I was involved in the broadcasting industry.  Having interviewed hundreds of showbiz people I thought applying those skills to the ventriloquial world was a natural fit.  So, I have sought out working pros throughout the country and beyond.  The result has been some fascinating interviews with some highly intelligent vents.


By the way, the title of this blog,  Vent-O-Gram, is a tip of the hat to Greg and Walt Berlin who published a fascinating and informative bi-monthly newsletter for and about ventriloquists.  (1963-1970)  Many terrific ventriloquists contributed to this newsletter.  This blog will also revisit some of those articles.  

This is a labor of love to be sure.  I hope that you are enriched by these contributions. 

What I can do for you


Perhaps the question should be 'what can you do for yourself?'  I am hoping that many of the posts in this blog will be educational.  Ventriloquism has a rich history and is a noble art form.  Knowing and studying that history is an integral part of the profession, or should be.  This blog is an effort to explore that but also to provide additional unity to the community of ventriloquists throughout the world.  That unity already comes to us through books, videos, the conVENTion, Vent Haven,  Ventriloquist Central, The International Ventriloquist Society,  (IVS) Facebook pages and communicating with other ventriloquists.  So perhaps, in my own little way, this blog is a contribution to our craft.  

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